Online Roulette - This is where to start learning!
Welcome to our site - BettorsRoulette.com - where we endeavor to give you all the most up-to-date information about roulette that's possible. You've probably heard of the game of roulette, and maybe you've played a bit of online roulette too. Maybe you're hear to learn a bit more about roulette rules (which are almost identical to online roulette rules) or to pick up some strategy, or find a winning system. You can do all that and more right here on one site. BettorsRoulette.com can quench your desire for online roulette knowledge. Read on and see!Roulette is one of those games that has a definite mystique about it at the casinos. Online roulette is fast making headway with the same type of reputation. Roulette of the online variety is slightly different from the casino variety because you aren't joined at the table by lots of other friendly players looking for a smooth, relaxing time. Roulette also has a reputation for being less rowdy than your traditional online casino games. You certainly would have an easy time telling where the craps table is in a casino by following the sounds of cheering and hollering, but the roulette table would be a bit harder to find, due to the game's relaxing nature. Craps is a game of high energy and excitement, where roulette is known as a game where the players are in a low-key state, and don't tend to get over-excited about much, except maybe a million-dollar win!
Online roulette is not unlike its casino cousin in that you won't feel like you're missing the action that you might find at craps. There are plenty of sites on the Internet that feature an online roulette game or the opportunity to download some software so you can play in your own home. Our site has some free games too, and one of the featured games is online roulette. Our free games even have a chat feature so you can converse with the other players that happen to be online at the same time as you. Online roulette can be a really fun way to pass the time, and a great way to learn the game that has a bit of a reputation for being snooty. Once you get to know the game a bit better, you'll come to love it. That's what this site is all about. We want to help you develop your love of roulette.
Roulette has been around for a long time, and though it's true origins are somewhat of a mystery, the roulette wheel is one of the most recognizable symbols related to gambling and casinos that there is. The first form of Roulette was probably invented in the 1700's in France by Blaise Pascal, who was fascinated by perpetual motion devices. It wasn't until 1842 that the green '0' was added by people that wanted to use roulette to make money from gamblers. Not long after that, when roulette was brought to America, that's when the '00' was introduced, to further ramp up the house edge. Since then, there's been a split between American and European roulette, and the '00' has never been adopted overseas. When your in the Internet, wanting to play some online roulette, your liable to find some tables with one zero and some with two. Most online roulette games, however, tend to use the single zero, just to make the players feel less like they're being taken, and to make them feel better about playing at an online casino that has a lower house edge for online roulette than a land-based casino would be using. Paris de Roulette
Don't forget, that if you have anything you'd like to ask us about, regarding roulette and how it's played, or if you have any suggestions for this site, please and we'll see what we can do. Enjoy the site!